Investigators: Neala Kendall and Tyler Garber (WDFW)
Marine survival trends of Salish Sea Chinook and coho salmon stocks and populations, along with those from nearby areas outside of the Salish Sea to use as comparison, are essential, underpinning data to understand and address many important hypotheses and research questions related to the Salish Sea Marine Survival Project (SSMSP). However, in the past, these datasets have been manually updated with recent years of data every few years and distributed only to people with knowledge of their existence. To streamline the process of updating this data and make it more widely accessible, this project will develop a proof-of-concept method to automatically update and maintain coded-wire tagged hatchery-origin Chinook and hatchery-and natural-origin coho marine survival time series data. R scripts will be written to automatically pull salmon coded-wire tag data from the Regional Mark Information System database so that the proportion of released juvenile salmon that are coded-wire tagged can be compared with the proportion of these fish that are later recovered having survived to that point. The project team will also evaluate ways to post the updated time series data online so it is easily accessible to anyone wishing to use them. Studies to assist with forecasting, management, and other purposes can then utilize these up-to-date time series.

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