Research formally began in 2014. Today, as part of this project, over 150 scientists and technicians from federal, state, tribal, academic, and nonprofit institutions are in the field and in laboratories assessing the condition of juvenile Chinook, coho and steelhead and their marine environment. Field technicians are intensively collecting fish and their prey as the… Read more »
Research planning goes full steam ahead
The preliminary research recommendations and workshop results led to fundraising and formal research planning in 2013. Throughout 2013 and early 2014, scientists from the US Technical Team drafted recommendations for Chinook and coho marine survival research, primarily focusing on the first two to three years of the five-year research effort. A task team including US… Read more »
Critical seed funding arrives to initiate work
LLTK and PSF received $5 million dollars from the Southern Endowment Fund of the US-Canada Pacific Salmon Treaty to initiate the research! Pacific Salmon Treaty Commissioner and Fund Committee member, Larry Rutter, announced the award at LLTK’s October 2013 Benefit Dinner. That summer, the Washington State legislature also allocated $800,000 toward marine survival research specific to Puget Sound steelhead.
LLTK and PSF hold the first Salish Sea marine survival workshop
LLTK and PSF held a workshop with 90 U.S. and Canadian participants and a 15 member advisory panel (including experts in the field working in the Gulf of Alaska and Columbia River Plume/California Current) to receive feedback from the broader scientific community regarding the critical elements of a transboundary research program. Several recommendations resulted from… Read more »
LLTK helps establish the U.S. Technical Team
Using seed money from the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, LLTK helped establish the U.S. Technical Team and develop their initial report, the Hypotheses and Preliminary Research Recommendations for Puget Sound (2012). LLTK and the Technical Team used PSF’s Strait of Georgia Chinook and Coho Proposal, the Columbia River basin juvenile salmon marine ecology program,… Read more »
LLTK learns of the progress made by PSF
In the summer of 2010, LLTK learned of the progress made by PSF on developing a proposal to assess salmon marine survival. The two organizations decided then to work together to establish the Salish Sea Marine Survival Project. As PSF had a proposal in hand, PSF and LLTK decided that the U.S. should establish a… Read more »
State of the Salmon Conference
A group of scientists, managers, and stakeholders from the Salish Sea region (US and Canadian) met at the State of the Salmon Conference in Portland, Oregon to discuss interactions between hatchery and wild salmon and steelhead and their environment. This meeting was facilitated by LLTK. Of special concern was the level of uncertainty surrounding the… Read more »
Strait of Georgia Chinook and Coho Proposal
PSF worked with Canadian scientists to draft the Strait of Georgia Chinook and Coho Proposal. This was the initial comprehensive, multi-disciplinary research proposal to determine the primary causes of and attempt some solutions to address Chinook and coho mortality in the Strait of Georgia. Most of the research identified in the proposal was not implemented… Read more »
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